Workers Page

Workers List

The Workers page offers a public display of all devices connected to the network, along with real-time metrics regarding all hires associated with these devices. This feature provides users with valuable insights into the current status of the network's devices and the level of demand for their computing power.

List of Workers offers a transparent and detailed view of connected devices, with real-time metrics on hires. The table includes:

  • Worker Status
  • Link to view worker details
  • Hire status
  • Up For time
  • Device types and quantities within the cluster

Worker Details

Users can access a detailed view of each device by simply clicking on it within the List of Workers. This detailed view includes comprehensive information such as the device's specifications, current utilization, performance metrics, and a list of connected workers.

At the top of the Device page, users can see the uptime graph for the last 30 days, making it easy to understand whether the device experienced downtime or remained active throughout. Additionally, in the Services tab (which is on by default), users can view the statuses of three of our services:

  • IO Version Control
  • IO Monitor

On the right-hand side of the page, users can view the main metrics of the current device, such as:

  • Uptime percentage
  • Traffic transmitted
  • Connectivity Tier
  • Security Compliance
  • Location

The Block Rewards tab provides detailed information about all of the Block Rewards associated with a specific device.

Block Reward- To the right of Block Reward, you see the status. In this instance, it's Completed. If the device fails to satisfy the POW and POTL requirements, Failed will appeal.

Block ID- A unique identifier assigned to each block within a blockchain.

Connectivity Tier- The Connectivity Tier that the worker qualifies for. This is an option when customer reserve a GPU/CPU when they deploy a cluster.

Processor- The processor type, GPU/CPU. In this example, it's a Nvidia L4 GPU.

Processor Quantity- Number of processors available for the worker.

POW- (zkTFLOPs Proof) Tasks the worker must solve to verify the worker. To learn more about POW, see Proof of Compute. This is never executed against a hired worker.

POTL (Proof of Timelock)- Verifies the uptime for the worker. This can be executed against a hired worker.

Device Base Score- This score is based on hardware quantity, hardware multiplier, and the connectivity tier.
See below for the base score calculation:

                +(0.02 x (connectivity_tier_number" / 4.0))  
                + (2.0 x "hardware_multiplier" x "processor_quantity") ) x 100 + (0.05 x "was_hired"))x 10

The formula above is subject to future change by the IOG foundation. For example, a significant increase for the weight of hired status in the overall base score calculation. This would incentivize practical and usable GPU device growth within the IO ecosystem.

Device Normalized Score- This score represents potential earnings for the device, which is based on the available coin emissions for the block and the scores of all eligible devices.

The calculation is designed to ensure that the total GPU Normalized Score is 8M, and Total CPU Normalized Score is 2M. Device Normalised Score is calculated as Device Base Score / Total Base Score of Device Type * Normalized Score allocation.

For example, if a GPU Device Base Score is 8150, the total GPU device score at that hour across the entire network is 115M, then the GPU Device Normalized Score is 569. (8150/115Mx8M).

Rewarded- The amount of IO Coin the worker earned based on Total Score.

What's Next?

After reviewing the information on the Worker page, you can navigate to: