Earnings & Rewards

The Earnings & Rewards tab provides transparency and granular insights into your earnings and the jobs your devices have served.

Table of Contents

Earnings and Rewards Tab

To access the Earnings and Rewards tab, go to IO Worker and click the Earnings & Rewards tab in the upper-left corner.

Rewards and Jobs

  • Earnings from Block Rewards in $IO coins
  • Earnings from Jobs in $IO coins
  • Total time your workers were active.
  • Number of jobs processed by your workers.

Daily Block Rewards

The graph displays your daily earnings in $IO coins from Block Rewards. Below the graph, you can see:

  • Total Blocks Earned
  • Total Blocks Failed

Daily Earnings

In the top-right corner of the chart, you can switch to the Earnings chart. This graph displays your daily earnings in $IO coins from common jobs performed by your workers. Below the graph, you can find:

  • Total Compute Hours Served
  • Earned vs. Slashed
  • Total Compute Jobs


The list shows the clusters your workers are part of and provides detailed earnings information, including:

  • Earnings in $IO coins
  • Projected Max Earnings
  • Total Slashed

Click on a specific cluster to view its details. You can also search by Cluster ID to find information for that cluster.

Job Payments

Important: If the job is completed within a day, payment is made immediately. For jobs that last multiple days, payment is made at the end of each day.
A few points:

  • If your Worker participated in a job and remained available throughout, it will receive payment.
  • If the Worker was unavailable during the cluster process, it will not receive payment for the whole time.
  • If the Worker stops within the first hour of connection, no payment will be made for that time.

You can search for a transaction by entering the Job ID number and filter transactions by date within any permitted period. Clicking on a specific transaction will open a page with detailed information about it.

View Transactions

The transaction page shows:
Amount and type of currency received

  • Transaction type
  • Platform used
  • Status
  • Date
  • Transaction ID