Block Rewards

Table of Contents

Block Rewards Dashboard

The Block Rewards Dashboard offers a detailed overview of the rewards earned by devices contributing computational power to the ecosystem. This page helps you track their earnings, understand reward calculations, and monitor key performance metrics. Whether you are an individual worker or managing multiple devices, the dashboard provides full transparency on reward distribution.

To view the Block Rewards tab, go to > IO Explorer > Block Rewards Tab.

Key Features

The Block Rewards Dashboard presents essential metrics and data points related to device earnings and overall network activity. Each feature provides critical insights into the network's devices' performance and efficiency.

  • Total Coins Distributed (In $IO Coins): Shows the total amount of $IO coins allocated to all eligible workers since the start of the reward system.
  • Today's Coins Distributed (In $IO Coins): Shows the total amount of $IO coins rewarded to workers within the current 24-hour period.
  • Total Blocks Computed: Indicates the number of computational blocks successfully processed within the network.
  • Next Block Start Time: Displays the scheduled start time for the next computational block.
  • Total Unique Workers Paid: Represents the total number of distinct workers that have received $IO coin rewards since the network began distributing payments.
  • Today's Unique Workers Paid: Represents the total number of distinct workers that have received $IO coin rewards since the network began distributing payments.

Block Rewards Table

The Block Rewards Table offers a structured breakdown of each block's reward details, allowing you to track real-time data and understand their earnings.


The current state of the block. Possible statuses: In Progress, Processing, Completed.

Block ID

A unique identifier assigned to each processed block.

Processed Time

The exact time the block was completed and verified.

Total Rewards Emission

The total amount of $IO coins distributed for the block.

Nominated Workers

DisplThe number of devices that were nominated for Block Rewards. ays

Succeeded Workers

The number of devices that met all requirements and successfully received rewards.

Failed Workers

The number of devices that did not meet Proof-of-Work (POW) or Proof-of-Timelock (POTL) requirements and thus did not receive rewards.

View Page

The Block Rewards View Page offers a detailed breakdown of reward calculations for individual workers and devices. Each entry includes specific performance metrics and reward status updates.

Key Metrics

Block Reward

Displays the reward status of a device. Status can be Completed (successful reward) or Failed (if the device does not meet Proof-of-Work (POW) and Proof-of-Timelock (POTL) requirements).

Block ID

A unique identifier assigned to each block in the blockchain.

Connectivity Tier

The assigned connectivity level of the worker. Customers select this when reserving a GPU/CPU.


The type of processor used (e.g., Nvidia L4 GPU).

Processor Quantity

The number of processors allocated to the worker.

POW (zkTFLOPs Proof)

A computational task verifying the worker's performance. Not executed against hired workers. (Learn more)

POTL (Proof of Timelock)

Ensures the worker remains active for a set duration. May be executed against hired workers.

Device Base Score

A score based on hardware quality, quantity, and connectivity tier. Used to determine earnings. See calculation below.

Device Normalized Score

Represents potential earnings, ensuring fairness across the network. Adjusted based on total emissions and device performance.

Rewarded Amount

Displays the IO Coin earned based on total device score.

Base Score Calculation

The Device Base Score is determined using the following formula:

+(0.02 _ (connectivity_tier_number / 4.0))  
+ (2.0 _ hardware_multiplier _ processor_quantity)) _ 100 + (0.05 _ was_hired)) _ 10

âš  This formula is subject to change by the IOG Foundation to optimize incentives within the ecosystem.

Example calculation:

  • A GPU device with a base score of 8150
  • Total network GPU score: 115M
  • Normalized Score: (8150/115M) * 8M = 569

Exceptions & Special Cases

Headnode Exemptions

Head nodes must stay online to support jobs. Therefore, Proof of Work (POW) is not executed against them, but Proof of Timelock (POTL) is needed. If the head node meets the uptime requirements, it will receive rewards.

Device Eligibility Rules & Updates

To maintain fairness and align with evolving infrastructure needs, the following rules apply:

Minimum Uptime Requirements:
  • Devices must meet a minimum uptime (e.g., 3-5 hours) to be eligible for Block Rewards.
  • After Ignition Reward S3, additional cooldown periods may be enforced.
Ineligible Devices:
  • Apple M1 Series (M1, M1 Max, M1 Pro, M1 Ultra) are not eligible for Block Rewards.
  • M2 Devices (8GB models) may be removed after S3 due to limited memory. Only M2 models with 16GB+ RAM remain eligible.
  • M3 devices should have at least 16GB RAM for optimal performance.

Wallet Requirement for Rewards

  • A valid SOL address is required to calculate Block Rewards.
  • Automated payouts are not yet enabled, so you should consider using a self-custodial wallet.